Étiquette : Big Data

0 435
Posted in #DATA ENG

How Big Data Will Affect the Future of Businesses

You’re contributing to it every time you watch a show on Netflix, post something on Twitter, or have a quick phone call with a business. Source : https://chatbotslife.com/how-big-data-will-affect-the-future-of-businesses-f253e6c426b9?source=rss—-a49517e4c30b—4 Date : May 30, 2020 at 06:23PM Tag(s) : #CHATBOT ENG Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 317
Posted in #NUMERIQUE

Le CEFRIO passe le relais

Le Centre facilitant la recherche et l’innovation dans les organisations (CEFRIO) annonce qu’il mettra fin à l’ensemble de ses activités à compter du 30 juin prochain, soit trente-trois ans après sa constitution. Meneur d’enquêtes auprès du public et accompagnateur des entreprises dans l’adoption des technologies de l’information et des communications,…

0 377
Posted in #DATA ENG

Big Data Is Offering Awesome Homework Solutions For Students

The education technology market is growing at a remarkable pace. One study found that it was worth $55 billion in 2019. Growth in the education technology market is largely attributed to advances in big data. Source : https://www.smartdatacollective.com/big-data-is-offering-awesome-homework-solutions-for-students/ Date : May 29, 2020 at 03:24PM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG Share…

0 346
Posted in #DATA ENG

Contribution of BDVA and the BDV PPP to the European Data Strategy

BDVA has published its response to the European Data Strategy published by the European Commission last February 19th. BDVA welcomes the EC Data Strategy as the natural evolution of the data innovation ecosystem within Europe. Source : http://www.bdva.eu/PositionDataStrategy Date : May 29, 2020 at 01:05PM Tag(s) : #DATA ENG Share…

0 234
Posted in #DATA FRA

Big Data : les entreprises risquent le “surpoids” …

Vous vous sentez barbouillés ? Ballonnés ? En surpoids ? Il n’est pas question de votre régime alimentaire durant le confinement dû au Coronavirus, mais du volume de données sur vos serveurs. Pendant des années, vous avez accumulé d’énormes quantités d’informations sur vos clients et vos partenaires, qui débordent aujourd’hui…

0 323
Posted in #DATA ENG #AI ENG

The Eight Commandments of Data, Data Science and Digital Transformation Failure In Generating Economic Impact

The explosion of ‘Data Science or AI as service’ has brought all organizations to the forefront of the AI world. However, many organizations are unable to generate economic impact despite leveraging these emerging technologies. Today, a huge number of papers and companies talk about the success of models etc., however,…

0 354
Posted in #DATA ENG #AI ENG

How Big Data Analytics & AI Can Help Boost Bee Populations

The veracity of a popular claim – often attributed to Albert Einstein – that mankind can survive only four years if all bees in the world disappeared is difficult to address. But what is certain is that they are critical pollinators of crops whose demise would not augur well for…

0 363
Posted in #DATA ENG

Modernizing Risk Management Part 1: Streaming data-ingestion, rapid model development and Monte-Carlo Simulations at Scale

Managing risk within the financial services, especially within the banking sector, has increased in complexity over the past several years. First, new frameworks (such as FRTB) are being introduced that potentially require tremendous computing power and an ability to analyze years of historical data. Source : https://databricks.com/blog/2020/05/27/modernizing-risk-management-part-1-streaming-data-ingestion-rapid-model-development-and-monte-carlo-simulations-at-scale.html Date : May…

0 290
Posted in #DATA ENG #AI ENG

Managing the Data Management Maze in Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Environments

If your company is like most, it has multi-cloud or hybrid cloud aspirations. But how do you manage all your data in a secure and cohesive manner when it’s spread across multiple systems and locations? That’s a topic that is garnering intense interest across multiple sectors. Source : https://www.enterpriseai.news/2020/05/27/managing-the-data-management-maze-in-hybrid-and-multi-cloud-environments/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=managing-the-data-management-maze-in-hybrid-and-multi-cloud-environments Date…

0 245
Posted in #DATA FRA

Le tracking par analytics pour acquérir et fidéliser ses clients

L’explosion du Big Data conduit les entreprises à repenser leurs stratégies marketing pour enrichir leur proposition de valeur et offrir une expérience d’achat personnalisée. Une véritable « science des données » voit ainsi le jour pour contribuer à l’amélioration des actions marketing mises en place. Source : https://www.relationclientmag.fr/Thematique/techno-ux-1256/Breves/tracking-analytics-acquerir-fideliser-ses-clients-349718.htm#utm_source=IndexThematique&utm_medium=Rss&utm_campaign= Date : May 27,…

0 269
Posted in #AI ENG

How Artificial Intelligence Can Help Aviation Industry With Contactless Flying Amid The Crisis

Post the 60-day lockdown, as the Civil Aviation Minister, Hardeep Singh Puri issued guidelines to commence domestic flight operation with 1/3rd capacity from May 25, 2020, Bangalore International Airport (BAIL) has also decided to resume their domestic travel operations with a contactless journey from pre-entry of the airport to security…

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Protecting Fleet Data from Security Threats

Big data is revolutionizing fleet management — specifically in the form of telematics. From engine diagnostics that track fuel efficiency and mileage to sensors that detect aggressive driving behavior and interior vehicle activity, this information is so valuable that we’re quickly approaching the point where connected technology will come standard…

0 412
Posted in #DATA ENG

Digital Strategy Series Part I: Creating a Data Strategy that Delivers Value

Oh, the strategy pundits hate me! It’s not because I’m tall, good looking and from Iowa (well, 2 out of 3 ain’t bad), it’s because I think Strategy as a “Discipline” is way overblown.  I won’t go as far as the Harvard Business Review to state that “Strategy is Dead”,…

0 357
Posted in #DATA FRA

Xiaomi et JD créent un smartphone grâce au Big Data, 10 000 ventes en 11 minutes

Le Redmi K3G 5G Racing est un smartphone créé par Xiaomi en se basant sur les données collectées par le géant chinois du e-commerce, JD. En seulement 11 minutes, ce téléphone s’est écoulé à 10 000 exemplaires. Source : https://www.lebigdata.fr/xiaomi-jd-smartphone-big-data Date : May 26, 2020 at 02:58PM Tag(s) : #DATA…

0 411
Posted in #DATA FRA

Le partage des données au coeur de la transformation économique, politique, et même humanitaire

Combien de personnes sont contaminées et quand aurons-nous atteint l’immunité de groupe ? Comment expliquer que tel hôpital, région, ou pays obtienne de meilleurs résultats que d’autres ? Pour le déconfinement, disposerons nous d’une application mobile apte à minimiser les risques de contamination sans pour autant nuire à notre vie privée ? Source…

0 249

In land of big data, China sets individual privacy rights

China is poised to enshrine individuals’ rights to privacy and personal data for the first time, a symbolic first step as more of the country of 1.4 billion people becomes digitised – and more vulnerable to leaks and hacks. Source : https://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-parliament-lawmaking-privacy/in-land-of-big-data-china-sets-individual-privacy-rights-idUSKBN2320EF?feedType=RSS&feedName=technologyNews Date : May 26, 2020 at 06:31AM Tag(s)…

0 381

Microsoft President Brad Smith talks data, Covid-19, and a potential “digital 9/11”

In a virtual discussion hosted by MIT last week, viewers learned that there are many problems that concern Microsoft President Brad Smith: things like climate change, Covid-19, and the work of the future. Source : http://news.mit.edu/2020/microsoft-president-brad-smith-talks-data-covid-19-why-we-should-worry-about-digital-9-11-0521 Date : May 21, 2020 at 08:59PM Tag(s) : Universities & Schools Share this……

0 280
Posted in #DATA ENG #AI ENG

How Data Analytics Is Helping Address Wildlife Crime

The coronavirus pandemic has brought urgent global attention to illegal wildlife trade that has been spreading through complex and global supply chains. Globally the illegal wildlife trade industry is estimated to be worth around 20 bn dollars annually and is driven by a worldwide network of corruption, greed and ignorance….

0 272
Posted in #eSANTE ENG

2020 MedTech Breakthrough Award Winners Announced

MedTech Breakthrough announces 2020 MedTech Breakthrough Award Winners that recognizes the top companies, people, platforms, and products in the health, fitness, and medical technology industries today. Source : https://hitconsultant.net/2020/05/21/2020-medtech-breakthrough-award-winners/ Date : May 22, 2020 at 12:37AM Tag(s) : #eSANTE ENG,telemedicine Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 287
Posted in #AI ENG

Azure Synapse Analytics: Insights for all

In November we announced Azure Synapse Analytics—a limitless analytics service that brings together enterprise data warehousing and big data analytics. Despite the massive disruptions occurring throughout industries in recent months, we continue to see a high level of excitement and enthusiasm for joining the private preview to use analytics in…