Étiquette : marketing

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Posted in #CHATBOT ENG

Message Marketing: Bring Audiences From Conversation to Conversion

Social media platforms, like Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, are attractive to marketers for obvious reasons. However, the popularity of mobile messaging … Source : https://www.business2community.com/marketing/message-marketing-bring-audiences-from-conversation-to-conversion-02237359 Date : September 7, 2019 at 02:43AM Tag(s) : #CHATBOT ENG,Marketing Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 305
Posted in #DATA FRA

Partenariat avec Data Marketing Paris

L’article Partenariat avec Data Marketing Paris est apparu en premier sur Acsel | L’association de l’économie numérique. Source : https://www.acsel.eu/partenariat-avec-data-marketing-paris/ Date : September 4, 2019 at 10:57AM Tag(s) : Think Tank,Marketing Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

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6 Ways to Win at Facebook Messenger Marketing

The potential to reach your audience through Facebook Messenger with chatbots is huge. Why? Because messaging use is on the rise, and Facebook … Source : https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/6-ways-to-win-at-facebook-messenger-marketing/562077/ Date : September 1, 2019 at 11:52AM Tag(s) : #CHATBOT ENG,#CHATBOT,Facebook,Messenger,Marketing Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

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Posted in #DATA

Les données, nouvel eldorado du marketing électoral

Depuis le 1er septembre, la campagne électorale est officiellement lancée. Près de 35 000 élections municipales seront organisées les 15 et 22 mars 2020 sur le territoire. Et cette fois-ci, la donnée sera au centre du scrutin. Source : https://www.lagazettedescommunes.com/635754/les-donnees-nouvel-eldorado-du-marketing-electoral/ Date : August 30, 2019 at 11:14AM Tag(s) : Médias,#OPENDATA,Marketing,Elections Share…

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Posted in #CHATBOT FRA

Chatbots : quelles applications dans le marketing ?

Les chatbots, ces agents conversationnels intelligents, étaient initialement utilisés pour du support après-vente. Les bots permettent aujourd’hui d’offrir une expérience beaucoup plus riche aux internautes. Ils peuvent ainsi devenir un formidable levier marketing pour conseiller vos clients, les informer ou effectuer des réservations depuis un site, une application mobile ou…

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Posted in #CHATBOT ENG

Ultimate Guide for Using Sequences in Chatbot Marketing

One of the most powerful features we offer for Messenger chatbots in Chatfuel is Sequences—essentially the bot equivalent of an email drip campaign. In short, this feature allows you to send a specific set of messages to users over time based on a certain action they take. It gives you…

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Posted in #CHATBOT

Chatbots are Revolutionizing Sales and Marketing !

Chatbots are enabling companies to bolster their marketing strategies, improve their customer engagement, and offer personalized services. Source : https://ift.tt/2JOnlCX Share this… Email Facebook Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Print

0 425
Posted in #CHATBOT

The Future of Marketing Is Conversational

Once upon a time advertising & marketing was about writing a single copy millions of people will love and remember but with the rise of internet & big data over the last two decades marketing dollars have moved from ‘above the line’ large scale generic campaigns to ‘below the line’…