Votre édition du 23 novembre 2020


21 novembre 2020
Les montres de luxe Hublot garanties par reconnaissance visuelle électronique et blockchain
L’horloger Hublot délivre une garantie digitale de ses montres protégée par blockchain. Le dispositif s’apparente à une reconnaissance « faciale » de la montre fondée sur l’unicité de ses matériaux. Des algorithmes…
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20 novembre 2020
Japan’s Banking Giant MUFG Plans to Launch Blockchain Payment Network in 2021
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG), one of the largest banking institutions in Japan, is set to launch its high-speed blockchain payment network with the U.S.-based tech firm Akamai in 2021.…
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20 novembre 2020
A look at how blockchain technology is taking over the world by storm
As blockchain technology increases and industries are beginning to see the wider effect of it, more and more consumers are becoming interested in the technology. This has probed many tech…
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20 novembre 2020
Department of Industry stands up Australian Public Service Blockchain Network
The group of public servants are charged with working out why the Australian government should care about blockchain. Source : Date : November 20, 2020 at 03:21AM Tag(s) :…
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19 novembre 2020
How Blockchain Can Help to Protect Intellectual Property in the Age of the Internet of Things
Source : Date : November 18, 2020 at 05:18PM Tag(s) : #IOT ENG
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18 novembre 2020
IBM wins a patent on proposed blockchain consensus for in-game transactions
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has granted IBM a patent for a blockchain-powered consensus that seeks to handle transactions in multiplayer games with large user bases. Source…
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17 novembre 2020
Samsung plans to launch blockchain for safer file transfer
Electronics giant Samsung seems to be working on a blockchain-based app that will provide a secure way for its users to transfer files. Source : Date : November 17,…
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17 novembre 2020
Airbnb’s IPO Prospectus Says Firm May Consider Crypto and Blockchain
Airbnb may have had a change of heart on cryptocurrencies, according to the prospectus for its planned initial public offering (IPO). Source : Date : November 17, 2020 at…
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17 novembre 2020
How COVID-19 Has Revealed Healthcare’s Blockchain Use Cases
Blockchain technology has somewhat infamously been described as “a solution in search of a problem,” but as the healthcare industry responds to the demands of the pandemic, several valuable use…
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17 novembre 2020
IBM Scores Patent on Proposed Blockchain Consensus for Transactions in Multiplayer Games
Tech giant IBM has been granted a patent on a blockchain-based consensus model envisioned for use in handling transactions within multiplayer games with a large user base. Source :…
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17 novembre 2020
CODIET Institute of Technology (CIT) announces New Training Programs in Blockchain Technologies
Source : Date : November 16, 2020 at 11:39PM Tag(s) : Médias spécialisés
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16 novembre 2020
Microsoft Marketing Exec Joins Blockchain Gaming Platform Enjin to Lead Enterprise Push
Blockchain gaming platform Enjin is launching a bid to attract more enterprise business, and it has hired an executive with two decades of experience at Microsoft to lead the effort.…
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16 novembre 2020
Blockchain voting risks undetectable nation-scale failures: MIT researchers
A key goal of an election is to prove to the losing party that they did, in fact, lose, but that’s a really hard problem to solve electronically. Source :…
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16 novembre 2020
How AI and blockchain can better optimize smart parking
“We hope to be able to significantly reduce the amount of CO2 being released and ultimately provide the city of Munich with a sustainable option for an … Source :…
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